
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Scrooge McDuck canceled?

Luna aceasta, 2 povesti Scrooge McDuck de Don Rosa au fost interzise de Disney, care detine drepturile asupra personajelor, mai exact nu vor mai fi publicate pe viitor in reviste, albume sau colectii de orice fel din intreaga lume, pe motiv ca reprezinta unele etnii intr-o nota discriminatorie. Povestile in cauza sunt "The Richest Duck in the World" si "The dream of a lifetime" in care apare Bombie Zombie (un personaj inspirat chiar din legendele Voo Doo ale culturii din Haiti - creat initial de legendarul Carl Barks in 1949). 

Dincolo de intrebarea daca erau sau nu "rasiste" cele 2 povesti sau posibilitatea introducerii unui disclaimer ca aceste povesti nu reflecta viziunea moderna, problema este ca acum intreaga colectie "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" nu mai poate fi publicata in noi tiraje fara aceste 2 povesti, una dintre ele chiar in capitolul final - o serie foarte apreciata de fanii seriei si ai autorului. 

Mesajul lui Don Rosa:

"I received an e-mail from one of my many publishers:
**************** As part of its ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, The Walt Disney Company is in the process of reviewing their library of stories. As a result of this, some stories that do not align with their values will no longer be published. This applies to two of your classic stories, “The Richest Duck in the World” and “The Dream of a Lifetime”. These stories will not be part of any reprints or new collections. ***************** 

I wonder what other Duck stories are now banned? Maybe only mine? Maybe not? But obviously all 12 chapters of my "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" are now banned because they can't be published without the final chapter. I won't even comment on what this will mean to the collector market."

mai multe [aici] si [aici]

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